About the Princess Máxima Center

To cure more children with cancer, while maintaining their quality of life and potential for optimal development. That’s what we are about. The child is thus central to everything. Our thinking, feeling and doing is from the life perspective of the child. We are team players who have direct communication and pay a great deal of attention to development, education and training. We get down to work in a groundbreaking and passionate way and apply ourselves to the utmost every day anew for the children. Both the patients and the employees come from all over the Netherlands. That’s why a flexible, tolerant and amicable way of working is necessary. Depending on your education, there are various opportunities to develop yourself further.


The Princess Máxima Center brings the best possible care and high-quality scientific research together under one roof. Scientific research is crucial for increasing child survival and reducing after-effects. Our research groups consist mainly of PhD and post-doctoral students and analysts; they are directed by a principal investigator (PI). We very regularly look for ambitious researchers. Unsolicited applications are welcome. It helps in this respect if you indicate interest in a specific tumor type, direction of research or research group. Read more here about research at the Princess Máxima Center.


Developments in pediatric oncology are moving ahead at a fast pace. That’s why it is imperative that all staff of the Princess Máxima Center have up-to-date knowledge and expertise available and that it is translated into concrete and innovative actions. With a high-quality Academy, the Princess Máxima Center provides a good range of education and training to our own organization as well as to external partners and other professionals and parties, even outside of the Netherlands. The Academy teaches professionals new skills and helps them to develop optimally, so that the very best care for children with cancer in the world becomes possible. We are looking for nurses who want to be trained.

New building

At the Princess Máxima Center, expertise for each type of cancer is collected in a single department. The entire treatment of the child takes place in this department (clinic, day surgery, outpatient clinic) with a single appointments desk. With these resources, we organize the care efficiently around the child; doctors, nurses but also educational staff and psychologists cooperate closely with each other and with the parents and the child. Less complex care takes place in a number of hospitals, under the direction of the Princess Máxima Center, as near as possible to where the child lives.

Along with some 100 experts in the field, such as medical professionals, researchers in pediatric oncology and parents of children with cancer, we are working hard and enthusiastically on bringing about the design for the new Princess Máxima Center building.

Meanwhile, the new building has reached its full height and is now also windproof and waterproof. The handover of the new building will take place at the end of 2017. We then have a few months to furnish the building and in May 2018, we will move into the building. Because this may well become your new workplace, it is of course nice to see where you will be working. The adjacent video and the drawings below give a good impression of the future situation. The drawings are so-called ‘artist’s impressions’ so in actual fact, it may look somewhat different.